This whole 'gym thing' is going well. I'm down 11 pounds so far (as of tomorrow, it'll be 4 weeks since I joined the gym). I'm still enjoying it so that's good. In the past, I've been one to quickly grow bored. I think the big thing for me, in going to an organized gym, is feeling like part of a community. Sure, it's all women who are working out and don't really talk to one another too much, but we're all pretty much there for the same reason...and that's a nice thing to be a part of, at least for me it is.
In other more exciting news, Kindergarten Roundup is fast approaching--four weeks from now. This is the event at which parents sign their children up for the coming school year. Meaning, the countdown is officially on. Meaning, my OCD has kicked into high gear--must get backpack and lunch box and polo shirts with school name/crest embroidered ASAP. And must tell myself that "No, they do not need to be purchased ASAP." Breathe Dawn breathe. What can I say? I like to be prepared wayyyyy in advance ;)
Other than these exciting developments, life is pretty quiet around these parts. The weather is a'heating up and summer will be here before we know it. Sadly, folks (myself included) down here complain when it's cold and when the cold is prolonged (as it has been this winter)...must remind ourselves that we'll be begging for this cold weather come next month and all the months thereafter. Time is just blazing by at warp speed.
Sorry for such a boring post but I'm pretty boring in general. Must head out to the gym (go me!) and run some errands...ah, the glamorous life, I lead it.
great job!!!! Rebecca